V/UHF RX S-Meter Comparisons

Having accumulated several receivers through the years, I found myself wondering how signals received on different units were to be compared.
Ham gear normally features a S-meter that should be calibrated at 5 uV = S 9 = -93 dBm on VHF and UHF. Theoretical "S9" is marked with a red line in the table.
Scanners and wideband receivers mostly lack a proper signal strenght indicator, using bars that don't relate whatsoever to a S-meter.
These are results of some measurements taken on my gear. Your receiver may well be calibrated differently.

If S-meters were accurate, this test would measure sensibility of the receivers. As they aren't, I'm only left with speculation.
For example it's pretty obvious that my FRG9600 is deaf on UHF: the 440 MHz table shows how a 7/7 signal on the AOR 8200 will be lost in noise on the Yaesu.
It's less obvious how receivers sharing the same logic and part of the rf section (AOR 8200 and 8600) can have very different readings.
The Icom R8500 has the most usable instrument, but it's definitely not calibrated.
Signal strenght and/or sensitivity are not linear, as we have different readings for the same dBm at different frequencies.
An HP8922 test set was used as signal generator. Consider that I don't understand much about the various dB/uV calculations and only mean these grids as a very broad reference.
70 MHz150 MHz 250 MHz440 MHz
70 MHz
AORAOR YaesuIcom Uniden
dBm8200mkII 8600mkII FRG9600 R8500 UBC780XLT
-44 9+30
-49 +6
-55 9+20
-57 +5
-61 +4
-64 9+10
-67 +3
-72 9
-74 7 +1
-76 6,5 9
-78 8
-80 6
-82 5,5 7 7
-85 5 6
-86 5
-87 4,5
-90 4
-91 4
-92 3,5
-93 5
-94 2
-95 3
-97 2,5
-98 4 6
-99 7 2
-100 1,5
-101 6,5
-102 6 1 3
-103 2 5
-104 5,5 0,5
-105 5
-106 4
-107 4,5
-108 4 3
-109 3,5
-110 2
-111 3
-112 2,5
-113 2 1
-114 1,5
-116 1
-117 0,5
150 MHz
AORAOR YaesuIcom Uniden
dBm8200mkII 8600mkII FRG9600 R8500 UBC780XLT
-55 +6
-56 9+20
-58 +5
-61 +4
-65 +3
-66 9+10
-73 +1
-74 9
-75 9
-78 7
-80 6,5 8
-81 8
-82 7
-83 6
-85 5,5 6 7
-86 5
-87 5
-89 4,5
-90 6
-92 4 3
-94 3,5
-95 2 5
-96 7 3 6
-97 6,5
-98 2,5
-99 6
-100 2
-101 5,5 1,5 4 5
-102 5
-103 4,5 1
-104 0,5 3 4
-105 4
-106 3,5 2 3
-107 3
-108 2,5 2
-109 2
-111 1,5 1
-112 1
-113 0,5
250 MHz
AORAOR YaesuIcom Uniden
dBm8200mkII 8600mkII FRG9600 R8500 UBC780XLT
-54 +6 9+20
-58 +5
-60 +4
-63 +3
-68 +1
-70 9
-72 9
-74 8
-75 7
-76 8
-77 6
-78 5
-81 7
-82 4
-83 7
-85 2
-86 6,5 6
-89 6
-91 5,5 1
-93 5
-94 7
-95 6,5
-96 4,5 4
-97 6
-98 5,5 4
-99 3
-100 5 3,5
-101 4,5 2
-102 4 3
-103 3,5 1
-104 2,5
-105 3
-106 2,5 2
-107 2 1,5
-108 1,5
-109 1 1
-110 0,5 0,5
440 MHz
AORAOR YaesuIcom Uniden
dBm8200mkII 8600mkII FRG9600 R8500 UBC780XLT
-53 9+20
-56 +6
-58 +5
-59 +4
-62 +3 9+10
-65 +1
-66 9
-69 8
-70 7
-71 6 9
-72 5
-75 4
-77 2 8
-79 7
-80 7
-81 6,5
-84 6
-86 5,5 6
-88 5
-91 4,5 5 6
-93 7 4
-94 6,5
-95 3,5
-96 6 4
-97 5,5 3 4
-98 5
-99 4,5 2,5 3
-100 4
-101 3,5 2 2 5
-102 3 1,5 1
-103 2,5 1
-104 2
-105 0,5 4
-106 1,5
-107 1 3
-108 0,5
-109 2
-111 1

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Last update: Set06