
Alelyze is a very basic traffic analysis tool designed to see at a glance the relation between stations on an ALE network.
The script will process PcAle logs, plotting on a chart all IDs heard and their interaction.


Alelyze was written using logs from PcAle v.1.062G, found on the HF LINK page.
Thanks to Charles Brain G4GUO for developing and giving the community this amazing piece of software.

Once installed in your folder of choice, open a shell (Windows command box) "cd" in there and run:

perl logfile.txt

Where "logfile.txt" is the log you wish to analyze, located in the same folder as the script.
In a few seconds a .jpg image will be generated in the same folder, much alike this:

Alelyze is released under GNU/GPL license.


Any feedback is welcome at contact below.

Contact:address displayed as image to cut spam

Published: Apr07