Hardware No particular issues on this side. I've ordered my USRP ("1") with rx only frontends covering all the way up to 2.4GHz (LFRX, TVRX, DBSRX). Assembling is straightforward: only doubt was which way the fan should be mounted and it turned out that having the sticker facing outside of the box makes less noise. My USRP will be used on a Ubuntu 10.10 box (AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual core 3800+) with three soundcards... and the many who had sound problems with Linux can understand the big assle they may represent. Installation At the time of writing (Nov2010) Ettus Research reccomends using UHD instead of a plain USB driver to connect your USRP. At first I downloaded and compiled it, but eventually decided not to use it for the time being, since I understand not all examples and software available around will work with it without some rewriting. Thereafter I followed instructions from the GNURadio site, in the Ubuntu specific flavour. |
usrp_wbfm_receive.grc returned this error: audio_alsa_sink[hw:0,0]: unable to support sampling rate 32000 card requested 44100 instead. Apparently my default souncard (external USB by Trust) wouldn't like sampling at 32khz. Solution to this issue is provided directly in the documentation frame of the module: Leave the device name blank to choose deafult audio device. ALSA users with audio trouble may try setting the device name to plughw:0,0 Following suggestions does the trick and indeed the script goes further, only to crash onto a different issue: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sinager/gnuradio/gnuradio-examples/grc/usrp/usrp_wbfm_receive.py", line 183, in <module> tb = usrp_wbfm_receive() File "/home/sinager/gnuradio/gnuradio-examples/grc/usrp/usrp_wbfm_receive.py", line 123, in __init__ tau=75e-6, File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/blks2impl/fm_demod.py", line 65, in __init__ 60) # Stopband attenuation File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/optfir.py", line 53, in low_pass taps = gr.remez (n + nextra_taps, fo, ao, w, "bandpass") File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/gnuradio_swig_py_general.py", line 432, in remez return _gnuradio_swig_py_general.remez(*args, **kwargs) RuntimeError: gr_remez: number of taps must be >= 3 Set aside for the time being. |
usrp_am_mw_rcv.py won't work. This is the error message I get (name is different from original as I was working on a copy): sinager@SIRAD:~/gnuradio/gnuradio-examples$ ./am_rcv.py -f 10700000 -O plughw:1,0 Using RX d'board A: LF Rx >>> gr_fir_ccf: using 3DNow! gr_remez: insufficient extremals -- cannot continue Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "./am_rcv.py", line 133, in __init__ 60) # stopband attenuation File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/optfir.py", line 53, in low_pass taps = gr.remez (n + nextra_taps, fo, ao, w, "bandpass") File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/gnuradio_swig_py_general.py", line 432, in remez return _gnuradio_swig_py_general.remez(*args, **kwargs) RuntimeError: gr_remez: insufficient extremals -- cannot continue Error refers to stopband attenuation parameter in the filter section. By changing the "60" to no more than "40" the script works in my case, no clue why so far. audio_filt_coeffs = optfir.low_pass (1, # gain demod_rate, # sampling rate 8e3, # passband cutoff 10e3, # stopband cutoff 0.1, # passband ripple 60) # stopband attenuation <--- adjust |
USRP is used as a source and I selected "side B" which is where the TVRX board is connected.
Frequency and Gain are straightforward concepts: their value (within the TVRX allowed limits) can be typed in directly but it's not very practical, since every adjustment would need stopping the app to change them. A slider is a more conveniente solution: just use the ID as a variable wherever it needs to be referenced. |
Decimation is one of the first
new concepts to deal with and can be roughly be compared to a
downconversion IF. The USRP samples signals coming from the TVRX 64
million times per second. In order to get a simple audio signal the
only concern is scaling it down to audio frequencies, where a 8kHz
sampling is more than enough.
In this case a decimation rate of 250 reduces the samples to just 256'000 before feeding them to next stage. |
The following block is a
bandpass filter letting through just the audio band between 300 and
5000 Hz, cutting therefore any out-of-band signalling that may
interfere. Audio filtering maybe is not
strictly necessary, but the block also does a second step in the
decimation of signal: a further division by 8 brings it to down to the
32000 samples per second that are compatible with the soundcard.
Immediately after comes the "simple squelch" module. Threshold is set by a slider as the background noise level will change depending on frequency and gain set. |
Then comes the NBFM demodulator. Quadrature rate shall be a perfect multiple of the sampling rate, so I eventually settled on using the same variable and forgetting about it. Hopefully I'll get more knowledge in the future and have a better rationale for the choice. |
In the end comes the audio sink, with the usual "plughw" addressing. |
Published: Nov10 - Home